MapPro Environmental Data
PO Box 37427
Houston, TX 77237
Sales: 866-3MAPPRO
Support: 713-789-0288
Accounting: 713-789-0288
FAX: 713-789-7223
For samples of any product, please contact us via the Contact Us page.
Reports and Services Offerings in Georgia

Includes a Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report and Historic Aerials
Discounted price for Texas - Includes a Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report and Historic Aerials
Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, and Historic Topos
Discounted price for Texas - Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, and Historic Topos
Includes a Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials and City Directory Search
Discounted price for Texas - Includes a Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials and City Directory Search
Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, Historic Topos, and City Directory Search
Discounted price for Texas - Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, Historic Topos, and City Directory Search
Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, Historic Topos, City Directory and Environmental Lien/AUL Search back to 1980 as required under the latest ASTM standard.
Discounted price for Texas - Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, Historic Topos, City Directory and Environmental Lien/AUL Search back to 1980 as required under the latest ASTM standard.
Combination of Historical Topos, Historical Aerials, FEMA Flood Map, NWI Wetland Map and NRCS Soil Map
Discounted price for Texas - Combination of Historical Topos, Historical Aerials, FEMA Flood Map, NWI Wetland Map and NRCS Soil Map
Historical Four Package $325 ASTM E1527-21
Includes Radius or Polygon Regulatory Report, Historic Aerials, Historic Topos, City Directory (up to 2 streets) and Fire Insurance Maps. If no fire insurance maps are available, a credit of $55 will be applied

All of our database radius searches include regularly updated data and our high quality maps. A standard search includes a 200 ft radius, but can be extended at no extra charge. All of our data MEETS OR EXCEEDS ASTM E1527/AAI requirements, and individual radii can be extended at no charge. EVERY report includes the following:
- High quality site location map and county location map
- FEMA flood map (FREE!)
- NWI Wetland Inventory Map
- USDA/NRCS Soil Map
- USGS Topographic Map
- Detailed hazard findings maps showing your sites at 1 mile, 1/2 mile and 1/4 mile levels of detail
- Search summaries designed to ease your review
- HAND-REVIEWED and MAPPED database findings
- Database reports formatted and designed to quickly review and analyze sites of concern
- Reviewed and limited orphans
All of the great features of the point radius search but with customized site boundaries. Your large acreage tracts, street extensions, corridor search, or any other search can be customized for the most accurate report available. Many polygon reports can be provided at no extra charge!
Custom Regulatory Search $125 and up
If you've got a large corridor (+1 mi), acreage, noncongruous site boundaries or an otherwise unusual property shape, don't fret! MapPro can provide an exact site boundary with all search radii matching your site shape exactly. We can even import your CAD or SHP files!
A 1/2 mile search of all water wells registered with the various regulatory bodies. Includes well logs when available.
Great for general information! Includes location map, FEMA flood map, USGS Topo Map and USDA/NRCS Soil Map
A current FEMA floodplain map of your site with Zone, Panel and Effective Date. Included at no charge in all packages and regulatory reports.
Includes a report of Oil and Gas activity within 1/2 mile of your subject property. A typical report will include well status, type, depth, owner / operator, coordinates, completion and plugging dates whenever available. Available information will vary based on the state regulatory body and the age of the well, with old and abandoned wells having limited information while newer wells will typically have more detailed information.
A basic map showing oil and gas well locations and pipeline locations and is included with the Oil and Gas Review. This product includes only a map, with only partial API numbers for plotted wells. For details about individual wells, please request an oil and gas review instead.
Environmental Lien and AUL Search (ASTM E1527-13 current deed only) $140
A search for Environmental Lien and Activity and Use Limitations placed on a property in the current deed as detailed in ASTM E1527-13. Nationwide service is available.
Environmental Lien and AUL Search to 1980 (ASTM E1527-21) $250
A more detailed and lengthy search for Environmental Lien and Activity and Use Limitations placed on a property as detailed in ASTM E1527-21, looking at deeds back to 1980. Nationwide service is available.
Agency File Reviews may be requried for your site under ASTM E1527. Contact a MapPro sales representative for a quote specific to your needs.

Historical Aerial Photography Package $100
A set of aerial photos for your property with 1 photo per decade whenever possible at a standard scale of 1"-500' unless otherwise specified, centered on the subject property and delivered via email as a pdf file. MapPro has access to one of the largest private collections of aerials in the country, but we don't just stop there. Each search can include multiple collections, so you don't have to worry about whether we really made "All Appropriate Inquiry". Order with a radius report for package savings!
Texas Historical Aerial Photography Package $65
Discounted price for Texas
Single Historical Aerial Photograph $35
A single aerial photo, usually from the late 2000s or 2010s.
Historic Topographic Maps Package $35
We attempt to include all available historic topo maps using a 1"-2000' scale unless otherwise specified. Maps are delivered via email as a pdf file. The number of maps and range of years will vary by USGS quadrangle.
A single Topo from the USGS DRG collection. Included at no charge in all packages and regulatory reports.
A historical listing of your site occupants and adjacent properties over several decades. Our researchers use reverse listings and Cris-Cross directories searched in 3-5 year intervals whenever possible.
50+ Year Environmental Chain of Title Search $250 and up
A environmental chain of title search including a listing of all transactions AND INCLUDES ENVIRONMENTAL LIENS on the property as detailed in ASTM E1527. Nationwide service is available.
Historical fire insurance maps are available in limited areas, primarily central parts of cities.